Pine Flats Hot Springs

General Description: Hot water falls and cliffside hot pools on the south fork Payette river.
General Location: 5 miles west of Lowman.
Pool Type: Rock, Sand and gravel.
Pool Temps: Very Hot (104° - 106° F), Hot (102° - 104° F), Slightly Hot (100° - 102° F), Warm (Below 100° F)
(Click to enlarge.)
Accessibility: Year round.
Restrictions: No nudity.
Elevation: 3600 feet.
Distance from road: 0.50 mile.
Book Reference: Hiking Hot Spring in the Pacific Northwest or hot Spring and Hot pools of the Northwest.
Map Reference:


The Hot Spring:

Pine Flats hot springs is one of a kind, a huge hillside with amazing waterfalls of hot water cascade down into a couple of cliffside pools, each pool has a different temp starting with the hottest ones on top and the coolers ones on the bottom making a choice shouldnt be a problem. there are many springs and alot of potential to construct more pools up near the sources wich come out around 127, there is a large pool around or over the hillside wich has a 30 foot hot shower falling into it, this one is more priviate and seems to hold more people with temps around 107 making it the best soak in Pine flats.

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