The Website for Hot Spring Enthusiasts by Hot Spring Enthusiasts

Welcome to Hot Water Slaughter! Thank you for visiting our website about hot springs in the western US. Please explore our database of hot springs we visited including pictures and videos. Become a member for free to contribute your input by participating in the FORUMS, or writing TRIP REPORTS to say what a hot spring was like when you visited and add your own pictures. We ask only for your name and e-mail to become a member, and promise never to send junk e-mails. Having a member website gives us more options to provide features in the future, and to begin to create a community of soakers. I hope you enjoy our website, and have a good soak!


Title (link) Date
New Idaho Hot Springs Added and updated. 11/21/11

Hey there, we have just added and updated some very nice springs in Idaho.  I would like to give a list so you can check them out, starting with Atlanta, Chattanooga, Lynx, Pete Creek, Browns Creek, Ninemyer, Around the Bend, Phifer Warm Springs, Dutch Frank, Weatherby, Twin Springs Resort, Bonneville, Kirkham, Pine Flats, Sacajawea. those are all the new ones.

Pine Burl, Moondipper, Boilong Springs, and Fire Crew are all updated with videos and new picks so check them out and leave a comment, thanks.

Back from the Idaho HSRT (hot spring road trip) 09/08/11

  We got back a couple days ago from our annual late summer hot spring road trip to Idaho.  The trip was great with good weather, good soaks, and good friends joined us.  We look forward to working on the website to add the new hot springs and continue to make it a good place for hot spring enthusiasts.

  We saw a total of 31 hot springs during the trip with 26 new springs and 5 old springs.  First we went to the Atlanta area on the Middle Fork Boise River and saw 16 hot springs including; Chatanooga, Atlanta, Browns Creek, Loftas, Granite, and Twin Springs...

Late summer Idaho hot spring road trip 08/23/11

  In a couple days we are leaving for our late summer hot spring road trip.  We are still working our way east from Seattle and are not done with Idaho.  This year we are focusing on the Atlanta area in Idaho where we should see several new hot springs.  On our way home we are stopping at Oxbow hot spring near the Oregon border and hopefully seeing Council Mountain and White Licks on the way to Oxbow.

  We have a new feature on the website which is this news section on the home page.  Now we can inform people when we leave on trips, when we complete hot...

Featured Hot Spring

person swiming into the back of the inlet (Champagne Pond)
The Champagne Pond *
General Description: Ocean water mixes with warm spring water in a small inlet surrounded by a residential development that is popular with sea turtles and changes in temperature depending on the tide.

Featured Hot Spring

main covered pool (Umpqua)
Umpqua Hot Springs (Toketee) *
General Description: Mineral springs creating a couple pools above the North Umpqua River on a large mineral deposit created by the spring.

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