General Description: A hill top sulfur spring which is piped to a couple cattle troughs with a nice view of the Humboldt Range
General Location: Northern Nevada near the ghost town of Unionville
Pool Type: Cattle Trough
Pool Temps: Very Hot (104° - 106° F), Hot (102° - 104° F), Slightly Hot (100° - 102° F), Warm (Below 100° F)
Accessibility: Year Round
Restrictions: None
Elevation: 4600 feet.
Distance from road: 0.00 mile.
Book Reference: Touring California and Nevada Hot Springs, or Hot Springs of Nevada
Map Reference: Fish Creek Mountains NV USGS 1:100,000 scale quadrangle, or Kyle Hot Springs NV USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle
Oct 2016, Talked to locals
Oct 2016, Talked to locals all pools ect are destroyed
Aug 1 2014, Down to one tub,
Aug 1 2014, Down to one tub, and its cracked pretty bad. Still at 104 in main tub. Got 172 near cement pool. Watch where you walk, several large holes have opened up and steam is coming out with hot mud. Not a place for children or pets.
May 2014...was just at Kyle.
May 2014...was just at Kyle. The tubs are getting worn however the water was about 104 in the first tub and 95 in the second tub. Very little garbage and no one around.
Went there with my mother in
Went there with my mother in 1979....It wasnt much more than a shed with a concrete tub back then. There was so much spirit in this place, comfort and seclusion, it is one of the two main reasons my son's name is Kyle.
how hot to the springs get
how hot to the springs get
How hot do the springs get
How hot do the springs get
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