General Description: A water fall into nice pools.
General Location: 34 miles west of Atlanta.
Pool Type: Rock, sand and gravel.
Pool Temps: Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F), Very Hot (104° - 106° F), Hot (102° - 104° F), Slightly Hot (100° - 102° F)
Accessibility: Year round.
Restrictions: none.
Elevation: 3600 feet.
Distance from road: 0.00 mile.
Book Reference: Hiking Hot Spring in the Pacific Northwest or Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Northwest.
Map Reference:
The Hot Spring:
this hot spring is on the correct side of the road, hot water streams down the hillside at around 110 and spills over a rock lip into the first pool, the overhang creates a groto effect with shower. the pool is about 6 feet wide and eight feet long enough for 10. the water spills over again and flows more cool into the second pool wich is smaller by far and more personal. the pools at Loftus are great so please lets keep it clean for all of us.
Loftus Hot Springs is very
Loftus Hot Springs is very beautiful and attractive place to visit. A lot of visitors like to come there at spring season. Here some hidden facts related to that place contain for us. Now i want to know about but when i got this article like to read about this place.
What's the best way to get
What's the best way to get here from Boise? I can't seem to find any GPS coordinants or anything. REALLY excited to check it out though!
Hey! I love your site! Thanks
Hey! I love your site! Thanks so much for taking the time to compile all of this useful info about hot springs! My husband and I are hoping to explore some of the springs this summer, I was hoping you could tell me how to best get here from Boise?
This pool is amazing. its
This pool is amazing. its well worth two hour drive from boise. not many people wanna drive that long on a dirt and gravel road. its never packed either! at night we take up some glowsticks throw em in the water and relax and watch the night sky. its beautiful. just make sure you clean up after yourself, the hotsprings is becoming more popular and people leave their beer cans and it makes the locals angry.
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