General Description: Two hot concrete hexagon pools surrounded by a couple palm trees on the side of Saline Valley.
General Location: Saline Valley within Death Valley National Park
Accessibility: Kinda year round roads permitting. It is a 40 mile drive from the north or a 44 mile drive from the south on a treacherous wheel eating dirt road that goes over 6-7 thousand foot passes from both directions.
Restrictions: 30 day camping limit
Elevation: 1500 feet.
Distance from road: 0.00 mile.
Book Reference: Hot Springs and Hot Pools in the Southwest, or Touring California and Nevada Hot Springs
Map Reference: Death Valley National Monument Map, or Darwin Hills CA USGS 1:100,000 scale quadrangle, or Lower Warm Springs CA USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle
I like traveling and also
I like traveling and also discover new places with water falls and ponds around. By the picture and things I have read from; this place looks interesting but risky too. I hope the route of it from the city would be safe enough to travel with friends.
Wow so really don't you
Wow so really don't you think..Wow so really don't you think..
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