The Hot Spring:
Three Forks Warm Spring is near where three tributaries of the Owyhee River join together, hence the name three forks. Warm 95 degree F water flows from several springs on both sides of the spring. The springs in on unmarked private land so please respect private property rights and pack out what you pack in. It is also within the Wild and Scenic River corridor so absolutely no development of any kind is allowed.
On the east side of the river, where a 4 wheel drive vehicle can make it to, there a couple small seeps that fill two tiny pools. The good stuff is on the west side of the river, which should only be crossed during low water levels because it can be dangerous when the water is high. Water weeps from the side of the cliff is several spots, and a warm creek is formed in Warm Springs Canyon where several springs join together. In the canyon there are several pools and a nice deep one is right on top of a waterfall where over 3000 liters per minute pour over the cascade into another pool on the bank of the river. The area is really a warm water playground and the volume of flow keeps it amazingly clean.
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