Chattanooga Hot Springs

General Description: Hot showers pour into and great primative pool along side the Middle Fork Boise River,screw swimwear!
General Location: Atlanta.
Pool Type: rock and wood.
Pool Temps: Very Hot (104° - 106° F), Hot (102° - 104° F), Slightly Hot (100° - 102° F)
(Click to enlarge.)
Accessibility: Year round.
Restrictions: No camping at the springs.
Elevation: 5350 feet.
Distance from road: 0.10 mile.
Book Reference: Hiking Hot Spring in the Pacific Northwest or Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Northwest.
Map Reference:


The Hot Spring:

The last shower on the Middle Fork Boise river, Chattanooga Hot Spring pour out of the hillside in many spots ranging from105 to 110 and fall into a pool and cool to about 103 providing a great soak. User's have built a knee deep pool wich has an eight inch p.v.c pipe with board covering it as the drain pipe for cleaning the tub, it takes about 45 minutes to fill, there is no camping at the springs although there is nearby.

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The Chattanooga hot springs

The Chattanooga hot springs is one of the most refreshing places to be. I go there for inspiration or whenever I needmypaper on a topic. In this hot spring one could be really close with Nature and enjoy the healing effects of the water.

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Id like to go there someday,

Id like to go there someday, bring my families and friends, and experience this once in a blue moon moment!
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